Saturday, June 30, 2007

What's in a name?

Not being particularly clever, after thinking about it for about five minutes I decided to name my blog Eighty Pies for two reason. First, I like to bake pies; it's really the only thing I'm any good at cooking. Second, my nickname, Adie, sounds like the number. Growing up my mom always called me Adie-Pie. So that's that.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hand, foot and mouth

This virus kicked my butt. Actually, it kicked Harry's, but I have to help him cope. It all started on Monday with a call from daycare saying that he had a fever of 102.

On Tuesday he still had a fever so we kept him home, with me taking the morning shift and Chris arriving home around 11 so I could go to work for awhile.

On Wednesday he woke up grouchy, but no fever so we decided to send him to daycare. I got a call at noon saying that he was inconsolable and they had noticed a spot on the tip of his tongue that looked like a blister. So I picked him up, took him to the doctor and got the diagnosis - Hand, Foot and Mouth, or the coxsackie virus.

We then spent the next day and a half with him in a lot of pain and totally unable to tell us why. Very frustrating and very sad. He would try to eat something and cry because it made the sore on his tongue hurt more.

I'm pleased to say that he's on the mend and currently happily munching on a piece of chicken.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Inaugural Post

This is my first foray into the world of blogging. I've been reading other people's blogs for so long that I realized I was composing my own in my head. Now it's time to put it on paper. Um, er, I guess I mean on the internets.